Mollie Farrell
Master of Arts and Cultural Management
How has UC helped you transition to living in Melbourne?
As a student originally from Melbourne, UC has given me a different university experience as I’ve pursued my graduate studies.
What is your favourite thing about UC?
I love that UC enables me to engage in activities that I have a passion for, but am not studying. The past two years I’ve had the opportunity to perform through the Intercollegiate Battle of the Bands and musical soirees, and act in the UC musical. These are unique experiences, in a supportive environment, that I wouldn’t have otherwise been able to have.
What are the opportunities that UC has provided you with?
As a Resident Tutor, UC has provided me invaluable leadership skills and has enabled me to network with a well established and accomplished range of alumni.
Is it easy for graduates to mix with a cohort of undergraduate students?
Through activities such as the musical, soirées and Battle of the Bands, I’ve been able to forge valuable and rewarding friendships with many undergraduate students. Overall, UC is a very integrated and welcoming college, so there isn’t any division between the graduate and undergraduate students.
If you could sum up your UC experience in one word, what would it be?